Flemish NSKK


The Nationalsozialistische Kraftfahrkorps (NSKK) was a paramilitary organization of the NSDAP, officially in existence from May 1931 to 1945. During the war, the NSKK played a crucial role in the German army, continuously ensuring the supply of ammunition, food, fuel, and everything else the German army required. In Flanders, the German recruitment agency reached out to the VNV (VLaamsch Nationaal Verbond), specifically the Dietsche Militie/Zwarte Brigade (DM-ZB).

Volunteers were informed that they would participate in supply transport. The recruitment campaign was a great success! More than 3,000 Flemish volunteers signed up. Flemish volunteers for the NSKK were part of Gruppe Luftwaffe, tasked with the transportation for the German air force (Luftwaffe)

The NSKK was organized into three distinct groups:

  • Gruppe Luftwaffe, tasked with transportation for the German air force.
  • Gruppe Speer, assigned for transportation for the arms industry.
  • Gruppe Todt, focused on the construction of military buildings and fortifications.

Flemish Wolfsangel as worn by NSKK volunteers of the Dietsche Militie – Zwarte Brigade (DM-ZB).

The Wolfsangel shield was worn by Flemish volunteers in the NSKK and Dietsche militie – Zwarte brigade (DM-ZB). This Wolfsangel sleeve shield is made of an orange fabric, with a plain weave, formed over a buckram stiffener. A black Flemish Wolfsangel runic emblem is machine stitched to the shield. These Flemish Wolfsangel Sleeve shields were made in Flanders.

NSKK Erkennungsmarke Brigade Luftwaffe
(NSKK 1 BRIG L 6243)

NSKK Brigade Luftwaffe erkennungsmarke as worn by Flemish, Dutch, French, … volunteers for the NSKK. This EKM has number 6243.

Questionnaire for service in the NSKK – Brigade Luftwaffe