Flemish Waffen SS registration forms

Earliest (1940) Flemish Waffen SS registration form
Earliest (1940) Flemish Waffen SS registration form

Flemish Waffen SS Erganzüngsstelle NORDWEST (NW) registration form 1940

The earliest Flemish Waffen SS registration form dates from 1940; after it was filled in, it had to be redirected to Karl Leib in Begijnenvest 16, Antwerpen, Flanders. "Ergänzungsamt der Waffen SS, Erganzüngsstelle NW" (Nordwest). This registration form was for SS Standarte Westland.

Recruitment for the Waffen SS in Flanders began almost immediately after the capitulation of the Belgian army in May 1940. With the conquest of Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, and Denmark, new recruitment opportunities arose for Himmler's 'Germanic' Waffen SS. In the summer of 1940, an 'Ergänzungstelle Nordwest' was established in Antwerp. The first recruitment posters called for people to join the SS Standarte Westland.

Flemish Waffen SS Legion Flandern registration form 1942

Registration form for the Waffen SS and the SS Freiwilligen Legion Flandern. Ersatzkommando Flandern der Waffen SS. It is interesting to note that the minimum age was 17 and not 18 years old.
Koningin Elisabethlei 22 ANTWERPEN

Filled in Flemish questionnaire for service in the NSKK – Brigade Luftwaffe 

This is a filled-in registration form for the NSKK Brigade Luftwaffe for  Flemish volunteer Pieter Geurts, the cousin of Julius Geurts

In 1942, recruitment for the NSKK Brigade Luftwaffe was entirely managed by the Zwarte Brigade of the VNV (Vlaams Nationaal Verbond).

This second document is his Berechtigungsschein to travel free of charge by train from Hasselt to Brussels and back on December 29, 1941. He likely needed to travel to Brussels for administrative matters. This document was issued to him by the Feldkommandatur 681.